Freitag, 8. April 2011


garden, gardening, flourishing foods, soils

Healthy Plants don't do disease. The same goes thanks to the Human Body.

Healthy smear feeds the plants. good like the body, if its plants get the right nutrients, they will be able to fight off any disease.

When you treat a disease with a chemical, you may kill the disease, but the underlying condition that created the weakness, allowing the disease, is most likely still present. perceptible will just manifest itself as another disease or symptom.

When you effect health through nutrition, the plant will become strong and its immune system, which is more capable and nuanced at fighting disease than each chemical, will eliminate the disease indeed. The plant is owing to using the disease-fighting mechanism that Mother Nature gave it and that science cannot recreate artificially.

Don't disdain that using chemicals comes with many health hazards for you, the microorganisms access the soil, and the wildlife.

Microorganisms in the soil, control the tellurian physique also in all of hoopla are thus very critical for health.

Why are the belonging bacteria important?

* Healthy bacteria are essential since any type of immune system to be strong and fight off disease besides infection.

* Healthy bacteria are essential for delivering vivacity sustaining

nutrients to all forms of life, including our horticulture.

* healthy bacteria are the first step to absorbing essential nutrients.

* sturdy germ assist in the defense of pests and fungal attacks

without the use of any chemicals.

An organic, biodynamic root chow preparation, cultured or fermented to contain microorganisms, is wonderful for restoring the nutrients in the spot and feeding the earthworms that aid keep the soil healthy.

In the human body, aesthetic or fermented foods and liquids are the best reaching to restore healthy bacteria to the colon because they can indeed pass through all the acids of digestion further negotiate to the colon still active. These types of foods are more effective at restoring the microflora which is the first line of defense for our immune systems.

I love the garden and Mother Nature. It is so ancient further wise and has many gifts to give us if we just listen and watch. It makes sense and if you listen to your intuition, you will know which it is true.

What I have just told you is how I learned to recreate health for myself. i had been ill shroud mercury toxicity also resulting immune dysfunction, candida, chemical sensitivities and allergies since over 10 years. I implemented this theory and have regained my health and the health of the plants in my garden without the asset of chemicals or drugs or expensive medical procedures. And we continue to grow stronger every day.

Nature provides the tools we need. Trust your intuition.

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